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The James Smith Podcast

Aug 10, 2023

David Robson is an award-winning science writer specialising in the extremes of the human brain, body and behaviour.

After graduating with a degree in mathematics from Cambridge University, he worked as a features editor at New Scientist for five years, before moving to BBC Future, where he was a senior journalist for...

Jun 12, 2023

After listening to about 15 hours of Ed''s content in the last week, I asked him on for a chat on the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks for joining me  @FilmBooth 

May 9, 2023

To access Jen's resources please check out her websites & socials:

Jen’s Website:
Jen’s Instagram:
Mum Safe:

May 1, 2023

Layne joins me face to face in Sydney and we crack open a beer and talk about a lot of different topics, none of many to do with fitness.

00:00:00 Intro

00:04:29 Fitness Expos and People Caring About Your Opinion

00:08:08 Social Media Longevity

00:23:53 Fake Social Media Personalities

00:30:36 Lying on Dating...

Apr 10, 2023

Follow Rosey:

Get Rosey’s Book & Other Resources:

00:00:00 Who Is Rosie Davidson

00:01:06 Parental Struggles, Support & Comparison

00:06:44 Screen Time & Learning

00:11:44 Sleeping Near Your Baby
